Saturday, April 9, 2011

Just some random footage that was taken over the past couple months compiled into a slightly moody tone. But none the less good memories of the road.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Times Square, NYC

So this was a Trip that Naomi and myself took to New York this past month. We stayed with my friend Logan at his house over in Brooklyn and met various amounts of interesting people that went to school with him at Pratt. We did a lot of the typical tourist things with stops at places such as johns pizza, rode the NY subway, went to the metropolitan, and saw other sights that completely overwhelmed my visual senses. Anyways, here's to NYC and my buddy logan for showing me the big apple

Monday, March 14, 2011


This my friends is a brand new, up and coming shirt company based in Los Angeles, CA. The owners are some good friends of mine and will be sending some shirts my way in weeks to come. The designs are all hand done, and made with the highest quality organic cotton (and for 20 bucks a ABSOLUTE steal!) For the time being though they are only available on the website ( ) and will hopefully be available soon in stores local / international.


The Pirates Booty!

So here are a few pieces I got from Josh Warner a while back when I worked at his company Good Art HLYWD. The reason I like these pieces so much is because of the disgusting amount of detail and intensive labor that goes into them. "The devil is in the details" he always says... and in this case I can only agree. Good shit Josh and thanks for the good times!

Visit Mr. Warner at:

Sunday, March 13, 2011


So I've passed out close to 200 "parking tickets" now with a lot of very satisfying/angry responses. In the envelope I put my resume and contact info. If this doesn't make people look at my resume I don't know what will

KITTY! 3-13-11

Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 12, 2011 Letter to Auntie Anka and Uncle Ray

So this is the first of a series of drawings when writing physical letters to anyone, anywhere. This one is of my Auntie Anka and Uncle Ray to say hello and thank-you! Enjoy!